
Have you seen my vulvas and penises?

Creating space for conversations about sexual health and relationships.

I create Vulva, Penis and Clitoris Sculptures, for use in public health education, discussions on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Male Circumcision.

Vulva sculptures

My current vulva sculptures come in a set of 4 or 5

  • The set of 5 includes an artistic representation of a typical vulva, FGM type I, FGM type II, FGM type III-a and FGM III-b.
  • The set of 4 includes an artistic representation of a typical vulva, FGM type I, FGM type II and FGM III-b.

For a more detailed description of the types of FGM please read the link below:


Here is a pdf of Vulva & FGM Typology (Click on each image to see a larger photo)

Clitoris sculptures

Penis sculptures

My current penis sculptures come in a set of 2 or 3

  • The set with 2 penises includes an artistic representation of a typical penis and a circumcised penis.
  • The set with 3 penises includes an artistic representation of a typical penis, a circumcised penis and an erect penis.

I am currently making the sculptures in a combination of brown and beige models, with possibilities to make them in other colors, including rainbow.

Feel free to contact me to order a set of vulva, penis or clitoris sculptures. I can also create smaller sets with one vulva, penis and clitoris sculptures.

The majority of my clients are schools, women’s clinics, social service offices, hospitals and youth health clinics.

I create sculpture packages after your wishes and enjoy the challenge of custom orders and ideas.

Sol Sisters Vulva box

leah(at)solsisters.se or leahbrickhouse(at)gmail.com

(Ni kan skriva till mig på svenska och norska)



Please contact me if you would like to use images of the sculptures in any type of media. I request that you use my name, Leah Brickhouse as the creator of the sculptures.